IPC is successfully applying Lean Business techniques in the Office and within the Sales force. Lean techniques have long been applied in manufacturing but real benefits are obtainable by applying Lean principles in the Office and within the Sales process. IPC are Enterprise Ireland approved Lean Consultants. We work with our clients under the Enterprise Ireland funded LeanStart and LeanPlus programmes.
We are actively promoting Lean in our client companies where Lean techniques are delivering real competitiveness improvements by streamlining and simplifying business processes. We work with your team to streamline key business processes and hence to reduce unit cost.
We have a long history of applying lean techniques in the manufacturing sector. Our focus is now increasingly on the Irish service sector which is now much bigger and where real potential lies.
To hear how Lean can deliver real results throughout your business, call us on 01-6319320.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Tags: Enterprise Ireland Lean Programme, Lean, Lean Office, Lean Sales.