As well as formal training courses, IPC interventions often involve an element of training, where IPC partners communicate the theoretical background and strategic rational behind our ideas and proposals. Training and Communication are core strategies for effecting change and for achieving consensus regarding the need for change. Involvment will lead to the generation of better soutions which have a higher probability of success.
Industrial Relations Problem Solving
September 15 2010IPC partners have many years experience in the resolution of Industrial Relations issues. We research the background to current issues, consult with all interest groups, and develop viable resolution options. Our objective is to develop resolution scenarios which meet the core needs of the interest groups while at the same time contributing to operational excellence and sound industrial relations practice.
Industrial relations issues are often associated with the introduction of change. Clear and consistent strategies are required which can win the support of all concerned. Communications of these strategies and the underlying rational behind the needs for change are key.
IPC Consulting partners also develop blueprints for long-term HR strategies which will help create a responsive and agile organisation. Agility can underpin commerical competitiveness while at the same time creating a work environment where invovment and communication are key. We gain a clear understanding of the issues and apply best practice principals to develop HR strategies which will yield results.
Contact our partners at to hear more about our approach.
Shift Work
June 28 2010We develop shift patterns and shift premia rule sets that allow organisations closely match the availability of staff to the needs of the organisation. Our designs take account of the needs of staff as well as creating the required level of flexibility to allow organisations to respond quickly to changing customer demand levels.
It is important to have consistency of approach across the organisation. We acheive this by developing and applying a consistent set of shift premium rule patterns and thinking ahead to build in the flexibility that might be required in the future. Our approach is straight forward and it works. We begin by analysing the current working time arrangements and associated reward systems, identifying anomalies (which often exist). we then move on to plan for the future. Our approach is one of consultation and analysis, presenting options which provide a basis for sound decision making.
We also take the requirements of the working time directive and associated legisation into account. Current possible breach points must be identified and designed out of the system.
A Working Time Strategy Review is an opportunity to closely match staff availability to the organisations needs, often with consequent unit cost reduction, while at the same time delivering working time advantages to staff and creating a framework which is consistent across the organisation and in line with the requirements of Working Time legislation.
Methods of Job Evaluation
March 31 2010Job evalation systems may be categorised into ‘whole job’ and ‘analytical’ categories. Whole job approaches determine the relative worth of jobs on a whole job basis whereas the analytical approaches analyse the jobs under a number of factor headings. The Points Based Approach is one of the most popular analytical approaches. Jobs are evaluated under a range of factor headings. These factor headings analyse the skills and competencies required in the role. The mental and physical effort as well as the responsibilites and working conditons inherent in the nature of the roles under consideration are considered under these factor headings. The fact that a range of factor headings are employed lends greater objectivity to the process and fosters consistency of application over time.
IPC Consulting assists organisations to develop and implement role evaluation systems that reflect their values, ethos and needs. We enhance the equity and consistency of application, enhancing the long term acceptability of the process.
Job Evaluation – Overview
March 30 2010Job Evaluation is a term used to cover a number of separate and distinct methods of systematically measuring the relative worth of jobs in an objective fashion. The objective is to rank jobs for the purposes of pay structure development. The relative ‘worth’ of jobs are determined based on relevant and agreed criteria in a systematic and consistent fashion. Ranked jobs are allocated into bands or grades for the purposes of pay determination. One of the key benefits of using a formal job evaluation or job grading system is that a good system, properly applied, lends consistency and credibility to the process of grade determination on an ongoing basis.
Competitiveness Review
March 24 2010In carrying out a Competitiveness Review, the IPC Consulting team review all aspects of business operation, working with the management team and staff to identify where unit costs can be reduced. We work with the team to jointly develop a change agenda that will put the business on a competitive footing, securing the future of the business and its employees. Unit cost reduction can be achieved by creating a stremalined organisaton with a quick response culture.
Pay, Reward, Recognition & Working Time
March 3 2010
- Working Time.
Much of the time, there is a mismatch between the availability of staff to do work and the needs of the business to get work done. Unit cost can often be reduced dramatically by getting the match right. The good news is that there is no cost to staff or to the business. Smarter shift patterns that are flexible and are matched to the needs of the business are creating a win-win situation for all those involved.- Recognition.
Recognition strategies are a smart and low cost way of getting the best out of people. We can still reward staff despite the downturn.- Self Managing.
Give people responsibility rather than attendance hours. We all work best when we are in control.- Job Grading, Personal Promotion & Performance Pay.
A formal Job Evaluation scheme is a good way of getting relative pay rates right and maintaining equity. Personal promotions schemes are a fair way of recognising an individuals exceptional development of their role and their competence. Performance pay is a good way of rewarding teams and individuals for achieving results.- IPC Reward Strategy Links.
Paper presented at LRC / IPC Conference on HR Strategies for the 21st Century. Click Here.
Life after Work
March 3 2010Making time for Fishing and messing around on boats these days – never has so much effort yielded so little results. * Fishing, golf, greyhounds and spending lots of time with family are what seem to do it for us. * To tell the truth, our work projects tend to be quite interesting. Time flies and it doesn’t really seem like work. * We don’t work set hours. Getting projects done on time is our main driver. We put in the hours but because we choose the when and where, we have a great sense of being in control. * It’s still important to take time off to enjoy life. We try to get the balance right!