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Team Working

Posts Tagged ‘Team Working

Effective Managerial Organisation and Leadership

November 17 2010

Many public service organisations are in the midst of planning to provide services with a decrease in staffing levels for the next 3-5 years.  Fundamental to this process is the development of structures and organisational processes which can provide excellence in service and business effectiveness.  IPC Consulting is working with a range of large public and private organisations designing the correct conditions for organisational effectiveness that will sustain them through time.  The first step is to get the right structure, including the right number of vertical layers, well-defined accountability and authority not only in managerial subordinate relationships but in cross-functional working relationships as well.  Then findings are presented on complexity of human capability of the roles to which they are appointed, including their skill knowledge and commitment.  Coupled to this mixture an objective method for measuring the level of work in roles, and you will get sound functional alignment and a soundly, patently-fair and simple differential compensation system.  Placed in a system of teachable managerial leadership practices, including two-way team working, context setting, sound task assignment, personal effectiveness appraisal, individual development and talent pool development, you have a system in which people can work together accountably, authoritatively and effectively.

For further information on this approach to organisational development please contact .